It often feels like sin when one still can rejoice despite facing trials in life.
I was faced with a casual remark from a family member years ago, "how can you still be so happy despite your life being turned upside down?" Whilst I know the person is well-meaning, I can't help to feel infuriated by such thoughtless remark.
Though years have passed, some days I am still reminded of this casual remark and my mind just mulled over it.
Do we deserve to be happy despite being in trials? The most common perception would probably be: no. It feels like we are going against the natural flow if we were to be happy and joyful even in adverse circumstances. However, I refuse to be subjected to common norms.
Reason being, I have Jesus in my life. He is our Mighty Savior and He has overcame it all for our sins. So if someone as Godly and humanly could withstand the nails on the cross yet be accepting of it, why can't we as mere humans rejoice despite facing tough things in life?
He bore our sins, died for our sins and suffered grievously for us when He was a man on earth. How precious we are in His eyes. So why can't we rejoice even though we are suffering?
Devil wants us to be vengeful, to be suffering in our midst of trials. He wants us to be separated from God's peace. So if we were to focus on God Himself, we will rejoice even when we are going through something difficult. Because in Him is hope and in Him is joy. Believing that God is with us through it all puts us in a different mindset and perspective. We no longer adhere to the worldly norms, neither do we find ourselves being vengeful in hardships.
There was a song ringing in my mind as I typed out this post. It's Blessings by Laura. Some of her lyrics really spoke to me. Paraphrasing from the lyrics... the lyrics mentioned about being reminded by the adversities in life that this world is not meant for us to belong, our true home is with Jesus in the heavens. It sparks joy and hope when we can expand our eye horizon to visualize our final destination - being with Jesus in heaven and how these trivial problems we face now in this world are insignificant when compared to the eternal gifts He has prepared for us.
Surely, people will often judge us when we rejoice even in adversities. This is because it's against the norms - how people cope when they face trials. However, we should focus on the One who created us. He knows the best. He has control. He is still with us. He is silently working things out behind the scenes. How great it is to have a God who understands our cries and cares for us deeply without any legitimate reason? This year's Easter sparks another year of reminder that we do not walk alone in difficult seasons of our lives. It is a significant time frame to recall how He rose from the dead and changed our lives 360 degrees because He loved us.
So recently I wanted to educate the children at home about Easter, the egg, bunny and many other significant items that comes along in this festive season. I hope to be able to bring light into the meaning behind the decorated eggs, scavenger hunt and whatnot. So I researched and was amazed by what I have found. Eggs were used to symbolize rebirth, new beginnings. Bunnies were considered to be related to fertility. The whole idea of celebrating easter is also a way for us to explore how the sequence of events in Jesus life on Earth had benefited us all. It's a gentle reminder that above all is Him alone and in Him is life. We have nothing to fear, our God is a mighty God who had conquered death. Other than death, what else would have been able to justify His might?